Tantra Coaching

Weaving spirituality, sexuality and embodiment into one.

What is Tantra?

Tantra is a sacred science and form of healing that developed in India thousands of years ago. It's a form of yogic practice that offers a doorway to spiritual wellbeing, sexual healing and an ongoing path of liberation. Tantra can be practiced sexually or non-sexually to help purify the blockages disconnecting us from our true nature.

What is the Authentic Tantra™ Modality?

Authentic Tantra™ is a holistic healing modality based on the 5 element practices of Tibetan buddhism and the Bon tradition, that aims to incorporate and create healing for mind, body, spirit and sex. It is a trauma informed practice, incorporating Tibetan tantra, Taoist sexual practice, NVC, and modern western scientific understanding of trauma and anatomy. It is a comprehensive tool kit for healing and transformation.

As a practitioner of this work, I have seen immense growth in my personal, sexual and spiritual well being. Through developing my own practice, I feel that I have developed my own energetic medicine cabinet, and have a incredible and evolving toolkit for turning all of life’s poisons into medicine.

This work is taken on from a place of bodhichitta, meaning from compassion for all beings, and the desire to pursue one’s own awakening for the benefit of all. I’m committed to undoing all internalized forms of oppression with a particular focuse on standing for the healthy, useful and empowered expression of masculine energy in the world.

I am a Certified Sexologist with the American College of Sexologists (ACS) as well as a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

© 2012-2022 Copyright, Devi Ward Erickson, Founder, Institute of Authentic Tantra® Education Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under license.

Transformation happens when we heal and address our blocks and reclaim our inherent potential. On the other side of these sexual and spiritual blocks, we get access to increased vitality, bliss, confidence, greater sensuality and sexual satisfaction, and the knowledge of how to use pleasure as medicine.

What are some examples of specific blocks folks are addressing?

  • Yoni (vulva/vagina) owners wanting to address numbness, vaginal pains, or to release stored trauma in the yoni and pelvis.

  • Lingam (penis) owners wanting to address porn addiction, ED, premature ejaculation, lack of confidence and various other sexual issues.

  • Lingam owners wanting to explore their sexual potential, including becoming multi orgasmic and having non ejaculatory orgasms

  • Male identified individuals wanting to balance and enrich the masculine and feminine aspects of their being.

  • Couples wanting to explore and expand their sexual capacity and intimacy, as well as their capacity for pleasure and sensuality in general.

  • Those wanting to undo shame around their sexuality.

  • Creating a daily spiritual practice that is embodied,

  • Re-uniting sexuality and spirituality

  • Those desiring a mix of education, meditation, somatic exercises and as well as sexual somatic practices to do on your own (the sessions do not require nudity from either party - we have models to demonstrate on for that!)

I work with clients on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis, and generally work in packages from 4 to 12 sessions, depending on the needs and desires of the individual.

Sessions generally include a mix of meditation practice, education around anatomy, nervous system function, and sexuality, as well as demonstrating practices for individuals and couples to do on their own. Nudity is not require for either party, as we have models to demonstrate on for that!

Ready to peel back the veil together? Set up a free 20-min exploratory call.

“Instead of viewing pleasure and desire as something to be avoided at all costs, tantra recognizes the powerful energy aroused by our desires to be an indispensable resource for the spiritual path. Because the goal is nothing less than the realization of our highest human potential, tantra seeks to transform every experience - no matter how “unreligious” it may appear - into the path of fulfillment. It is precisely because our present life is so inseparably linked with desire that we must make use of desire’s tremendous energy if we wish to transform our life into something transcendental.”

— Lama Yeshe