About Alex Campbell

Alex Campbell is a Certified Sexologist, practitioner of Authentic Tantra™ and Ontological life coach, based out of Victoria, BC Canada on the traditional lands of the Lkwungen People.

With a broad background including being a professional freelance musician for over a decade, participating in plant medicine ceremonies and doing men’s work, Alex has fused his wide breadth of experience with his deep desire to help others find personal, spiritual and sexual liberation, all while coming from a place of deep integrity. He is a firm believer that when we prioritize our well being and expression, not only does life start to taste sweeter, but that we get deeper and deeper access to the gifts we offer the world.

Alex’s work in Tantra is rooted in the Tibetan 5 Element system of the Buddhist Shangpa Kagyu lineage. He received his formal training from the Institute of Authentic Tantra Education, and now works with individuals and couples to harness and empower their own medicine, pleasure and wellbeing, and to bring sexuality and spirituality into union.

A common remark from those who study this work is that “people show up for better orgasms, and stay for the life changing transformation”.

He maintains his Sexologist certification with The American Board of Sexology, is an active member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and a graduate of Accomplishment Coaching, often referred to as the most rigorous life coach training program in the world.

“What transformation and coaching has looked like for me, is that I get to actually live a life of having it all, without constantly feeling spread thin or on the verge of burnout (or wondering why I can’t just be happy with a smaller life). Expansive sexuality, exciting and healing relationships, two businesses that I’m passionate about, and making more money than I ever have, are the expressions of abundance I’m coming to hold as normal, and it is all rooted around a daily spiritual tantric practice that fuels that expansion. Ontological Coaching has been the place that allowed me to put all those pieces together, first in believing it was possible, and then in actually making it so.”

Ready to Elevate your grind?
Contact me for a free 30-min exploratory call or full sample session if you are curious to walk together.

“Alex is one of the most effective coaches I’ve ever worked with. Within the first session you feel his absolute dedication, attention to detail, professionalism and enthusiasm. He has the ability to listen beyond the surface and ask the right questions. That’s what makes Alex such a powerful energy to partner with.” Morien, coaching client.